Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Face Book Memories

I'm sure most of you that read my blog have a face book page and are use to seeing "your year ago face book memory".  Sometimes I cringe at my past memories, but then remind myself of the personal growth I have achieved. lol  But this morning I was happy to see a memory from last year and I wanted to share it with you here. It is actually two-folded. One part is the reminder of how much I like Mark Romero's work. When I healed my psoriasis condition it was while I was listening to his music. I really do think that he is a person of integrity and is doing what he is doing for all the right reasons....and his music really is beautiful. 
Second...birds are important to me as I love them dearly. I find them incredibly good at being messengers from the the spiritual perspective. So it was really nice to have a reminder of this day because my personal world changed drastically soon after this. Good - bad...who knows....change is change and it takes awhile before we see how our life unfolds, but I think I achieved a lot of personal internal growth in this year.   So here it is....

Face Book Memory from a year ago....
While I was playing this video four blue jays and some other bird I have not seen before came to the tree out side my window. At first they were squacking but when I turned up the volume they all became quiet and just listened. It was a really lovely moment. Really love what this guy is doing with music. I'm pretty sure his techniques are from a lost art.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Keeping Life Simple

I've been working on my website for the past few days. It has a completely different feel from the last one. Instead of focusing on being a publishing house, it is focused on me being a writer. It took a little bit of soul whispering, but I understand now that building up a publishing house isn't the life I want to have. I just want to be a writer and create my own books. I don't have huge ambitions, just want to be happy and live a creative life. I think this is being authentic.

My daughter and I went to a cafe the other day. Can you tell which writing gadget is mine???  lol   And check out these adorable drinks. Mine was the kitty and she had the bear. Not only was it delicious, but artistic. This is the Gama Cafe on Whyte Ave (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Such a cute little cafe. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Forbidden Love

distilled poetry & prose challenge #10. I was inspired by the romantic past and the destruction....sounds like forbidden love to me.

A night she vowed not to regret. A night she could never forget. Their passion was forbidden and it ripped their world apart.

Photo: I do not know.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Too Deep

Distilled Poetry & Prose challenge #9  I must admit, this one had me stumped for a bit because that little orange ball was distracting. lol  And all I could come up with was a metaphor.

Did I go too deep? Did I lose my way? Sometimes it is easy to see why others choose to live in shallow waters. 

Photo: I do not know.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Heavenly Concert

distilled poetry & prose challenge #8.

A tapestry of tiles shines down from the heavens. The demi-gods take their place upon the stage. A golden harp begins to pull the strings of my heart. An angel sings. I am of this world no more. 

Photo: no idea.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Oh look, a zucchini

For those of you who are new to my blog and may be wondering why I create short posts, unlike most blogs that usually present well developed essays or handy how to's ....well that is who I am. I can certainly write wonderful jargon if I took the time to do so, but I much rather just enjoy jotting down my thoughts now and then and saving my writing marathons for the writing in my books. But I must admit, that a part of my need to just write and go is because I am ADHD/Dyslexic. And therefore, it rather pleases me to not be glued to a social media platform where I must put out expectedly. (is that a word?)

Oh look, a zucchini from my garden...I'm off to make chocolate zucchini cookies. 

A Death of Crows

As I was preparing dinner this evening, I heard a death of crows overhead. With joy and excitement, I grabbed my camera and ran out the door. I just love crows and it was such a good opportunity to practice with my new camera. The crows looked beautiful against the income storm clouds that had sunlight shining on them. 

Good ol' Charlie boy

I wanted to take some fresh photos of myself for my new website, but when I looked into the mirror, I realized it wasn't the best thing to do right now because I have a small shiner under my eye from bumping heads with Charlie boy my 80lbs Lab-a-Dane. LOL   

Call of Wandering

My poetry & prose challenge #7

It matters not that I cannot see what lies beyond the edge of this mysterious path; What matters is that I take in all this wondrous beauty and magic along the way. 

Photo: Call of wandering by Janek Sedlar

Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy Manifestation Day

Well Happy Manifestation Day!!!
I went to my website provider and my account was going to close. It would cost way more than what I had on my pre-paid card. So I just said, whatever, I'm not going to ruin my state of mind over this, and I simply deleted it. Poof! Then I tried to see if I could go for the freebie site since I still have my domain. Somehow I managed to wind up where I could buy a new site to go with my domain...and it was on sale for $12.00 instead of the $150. Yup. So I bought another year and will have to create my site again, but that is OK because I will rethink what I want to have or present .....I need to be flexible and more creative. Life works in strange ways!

Oh the life of a single parent on the way up to success. LOL  I have gratitude for every step of the way!

Please be patient while I rebuild my website!  :o)

Wall of Irony

Well, that was ironic. I created my publishing house so that I could publish my books which would allow me to have a portfolio so that I could apply for a grant with the Alberta Foundation of the Arts for a project that I have been wanting to do. I just got off the phone and found out that since I am a self published writer, I do not qualify for their grants. 

The Irony continues...my publishing house website expires today and my pre-paid credit card will not allow me to load it up so that I can pay for my site....yet the card is suppose to be fine. 

I know I need to be flexible, creative and driven, but with a heavy heart I'm taking time out and I'm going for a nap. .....or maybe reading up a bit on the Lions Gate portal Energy that everybody in the astrology world is talking about.   Maybe both. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sharing Ghost Stories

Last night I was hanging out with two of my teenagers (I have three) and we were talking about You -Tubers that go to creepy places to look for creepy stuff. For example, a couple of them went to a closed down building, and during their time there a cart had moved completely on its own, sending this group of kids running. Well, I started to laugh and said how it reminded me of a time when I was working a night shift in a large retail store. It was just me and one other person. As we admitted that we both felt uneasy, a creepy mumbling came over the intercom and then we heard shopping carts crash. We got the hell out of the store and phoned the police. When the police came, they found no one. I wasn't surprised because that area of the city had a lot of paranormal activity. Wonder what was buried there?

Then I told them about my time in a closed off part of a hospital that my father took me through. He was a security guard and had to do his rounds. At one point I felt a spirit go right through me and identified it as a nun. My father told me that particular wing of the building use to be where the nuns stayed.  At this point my sons says, "What the 'bleep' mom, I just watched the Conjuring recently and now your telling me this. How am I going to sleep tonight?" My daughter and I laughed of course. So I told them to make sure they read my book when its done. I am really happy to be finished the chapter on ghosts and spirits.  Kind of creeps me out too!  It's not something you become completely comfortable with. There is a big difference between having a personal experience with a spirit whom you have known and loved and having an experience with something impersonal that is invasive or intimidating. 


Distilled Poetry & Prose Challenge. #6

Lost in the desert of my mind,
within a labyrinth of sealed doors,
I slowly sink to the sandy depths.
Before taking my last breath,
I stop and marvel at the intrequency of it all.
The beauty of it all.
In my moment of letting go,
a door before me opens;
A path of solidity and light.
A path of clarity and insight.
With ease I am able to swim
with the thoughts that keep me afloat.
Each door now an opportunity,
to rise to the surface. 

Silent Lovers

I have decided to use my poem Silent Lovers as part of the intro to Chapter One  Spirits Among Us in my upcoming book Flight of the White Crow. This poem can also be found in my first poetry book Moments in Time.  I've always said that it may not be one of my best, but it is definitely one of my favorites. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Church Street....where hope grows.

Church Street...where hope grows, was the reward of meandering  the inner city streets surrounding Church Street (96th street) of Edmonton, AB. for a year and a half with photographer Sandra Franzoi.  Seventy people from all walks of life were interviewed. From there, I turned their stories into poetry and prose. 

Welcome To The Show

Distilled poetry challenge #5

One by one the audience disappeared until the emptiness filled her soul. Alone upon the stage, she understood her fate. With grace, she took her final bow. 

Photo: Niki Feijen

Friday, August 5, 2016

Distilled Poetry Challenge #4

Island in the Sky

A dreamers dream cannot come close,
to my island in the sky.
A gentle breeze.
A timeless ease.
In perfect solitude,
I watch the clouds drift by.


As I read my morning motivational mind food, one of the phrases that made me smile was that if we are living in a state of internal gratitude and peace, you will see more synchronicity, more number patterns like 11:11 and rainbows. So as I went on with my day (which actually began with the chaos of dogs barking and stepping on me....errrrrr) I was having a day of highs and lows. One minute I was having the best day ever, and the next no matter what I did, I was getting no where. So after a busy day out with my daughter, on the way home from the bus stop, we focused on all the things that fell into place and made us happy. By the time we arrived home, we were joking and laughing. When I entered my kitchen to put away a few things, I noticed in the kitchen sink there was a rainbow. It was a reflection coming from a crystal sphere I had put up a few days before. A rainbow in my sink! 

It's not always easy to cancel out the things that seemingly are going wrong with your day, but with the understanding that not all doors are meant to be opened at certain times, and having a good sense of humor sure can make a huge difference in your mind set. And bring you rainbows. :o)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Le Piano

Poetry Challenge #3

"Mon cher vieil ami" escaped through his trembling lips. The beautiful aging hands traced the piano's keys. In a bold and intense outburst, the man and piano became one. Their song was passionate and soulful. It was timeless. 

Photo: Niki Feijen

Moments In Time

This poem is from my first poetry & prose book Moments in Time.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Poetry Challenge #2

Old Hotel Room

A slight moan is heard through the crack in the wall; her tone is soft and pleasing. An echo of a time long gone. The decay of the future settles in. Still the walls remember the past. A tattered curtain dances in the breeze. The lovers laugh. 

Photo Credit: Niki Fejen

Distilled Poetry Challenge

At the moment, I am working on a book that is a collection of my paranormal/spiritual/really strange shit that's happened throughout my life. It's not that I want to write about this stuff, as I am wanting to move into a new phase of my life, but these are stories that I cannot let die inside me. They need to be shared. I need to release them. But in the meantime, some of these stories take me to places within myself that I am not comfortable with. And when that happens, I start to drag my pen across the page, draw pretty flowers and procrastinate. So I have found a way to help me get through those moments. As a writer, poetry is the voice that makes my heart sing. On one of the Face Book pages that I follow, a person posts really cool photos that seem to call out to me and so I feel compelled to write a few lines. I am now making this my personal distilled poetry & prose challenge. I am keeping them simple, because, well, I have other writing to do. :o)

Picture #1

Thoughts and intentions crumbled to the floor. As the bottle hit the ground, she whispered "I cannot take it anymore."

Photo credit: Angela Larson


Remember....a Smile is the best face lift you will ever get.  Not only does it help to keep you looking younger, but will make you feel younger inside too!

New Moon Reset Button

With so much negativity swirling in our everyday lives, it is really nice to have a calendar reset button that we can use to realign ourselves with what we truly want in our lives. Last night/tonight the New Moon is in Leo. The New Moon is a time to begin new projects or plant your seeds of thoughts and intentions. Focus on your Creativity and the beautiful Ideals that you wish to bring into your life. Take the time to sit quietly and  listen inwards so you may hear your Authentic voice. 

(picture credit/picture text goes to CrystalWindPath)


From my first poetry book Moments in Time   

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Inspiration is Everywhere

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer. I am really enjoying my new neighborhood with all the beautiful old trees and a forest near by. The woods is one of my comfort zones where I feel able to easily connect to the oneness of it all. But as I walked down the street today, I came to a place on the road where I looked up and felt like I had been transported to a magical Tolkien reality. Inspiration truly is everywhere!