Friday, August 5, 2016


As I read my morning motivational mind food, one of the phrases that made me smile was that if we are living in a state of internal gratitude and peace, you will see more synchronicity, more number patterns like 11:11 and rainbows. So as I went on with my day (which actually began with the chaos of dogs barking and stepping on me....errrrrr) I was having a day of highs and lows. One minute I was having the best day ever, and the next no matter what I did, I was getting no where. So after a busy day out with my daughter, on the way home from the bus stop, we focused on all the things that fell into place and made us happy. By the time we arrived home, we were joking and laughing. When I entered my kitchen to put away a few things, I noticed in the kitchen sink there was a rainbow. It was a reflection coming from a crystal sphere I had put up a few days before. A rainbow in my sink! 

It's not always easy to cancel out the things that seemingly are going wrong with your day, but with the understanding that not all doors are meant to be opened at certain times, and having a good sense of humor sure can make a huge difference in your mind set. And bring you rainbows. :o)

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