Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Blessings to all and Happy Winter Solstice

Image result for winter solstice

Mercury Retrograde

Image result for mercury retrograde

Boy oh boy...and here I thought I had this Mercury Retrograde all under control. Had all the do's and don'ts down pact and ready to embrace all that cannot be controlled. Yeah...well Gemini is laughing at me now. There is no being ready for computer chaos. My mouse stopped working, I get re-directed to other pages (ooh there's a "RE") without clicking on them. I'm not able to make an online purchase even though the card is fine...maybe this is one of those "Re-think" or "Re-consider" the order moments. And I've been doing a lot of "RE-tracing" my steps because I can't remember what the hell I went downstairs for.  So now I must "Re-consider" my approach to this dynamic energy that is playing with us and re-establish myself into the frame of Being in the Now. The retrograde is with us until January 8th. By then, I will either be a zen master or a spiritual reject.  Maybe a bit of both.
Enjoy !!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

My Top Pick for a Book to Curl up to This Winter

 Image result for uncharted by colette baron-reid  A really wonderful book to help you let go of your past and help you move into your future, is a newly published book called Uncharted by Colette Baron Reid. Not only is Colette an author, she is also a mystic, oracle and has had her own tv show as a medium. Colette is one of the most grounded authentic spiritual people that I have come across on the internet. I have been following her for the past eight months and have been intrigued with her life story that she so generously and bravely shares with people. You can hear some of her stories throughout the book Uncharted, or by listening to some of Colette's videos. Clean and sober for over thirty years now, she really is a wonderful spiritual teacher and understands what life is about. 
   The book Uncharted is an easy read that is layered with wisdom that can help guide you through the times of not quite knowing where you are going, but definitely not wanting to remain where you have been. But it isn't a book that you just read once, in fact, the book has many tools for coping with stress, releasing old baggage, letting go of old patterns and developing new and healthy ways to create your future. It definitely is a self help book for women and men that want to embrace transformation. I highly recommend it for those who would like to find their creative side and dare to redesign their lives. 

Let It Go

   Since today is the Full Moon of letting go of the past, I thought this article would be an excellent read for those who are working on releasing the things that no longer work for them or things they would like to heal or let go of.  Let It Go is an article written by Judith Sills Ph.D. and published in the Psychology Today Magazine, November 2014. 
   One of the things I have been noticing since I have been working on my "letting it go" issues or habits, is that every time I let go of something, a new door of opportunity appears before me. This awareness has been leading me into a new understanding of the Paradigm Shift. Ok, that is just a teaser because I will be writing more on that topic once we get past this last bit of letting go energy. In the meantime, I highly recommend taking the time to read this article and then take some time to apply the wisdom she offers. 

Let It Go article by Judith Sills Ph.D

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Letting Go to become Successful

I was just going through my emails and came across this  great video from Jack Canfield who is one of the mentors I am following. It fits completely with the post I put up this morning: The Last Full Moon of 2016.  Enjoy Jack's wisdom!

The Last Full Moon of 2016

Even though we are going into a One cycle new beginnings year, I find it is difficult to see into my future at this time and have noticed that many others are feeling the same way. Even with meditation or communion with Spirit or my spiritual guides, there is no peeking or revealing of the coming year. And then finally this morning, in a blink of an eye, I understood why. 

We are all ending the collective nine year cycle and entering into the number one new beginnings cycle. To understand this fully I suggest to just google it because you will find LOTS of information on the subject on collective cycles and personal cycles. Anyways, we are leaving behind a nine year cycle which is an ending or completion cycle. 2016 is a time for getting rid of what no longer works, removing unhealthy habits and toxic people from our lives, etc.  

Tonight and tomorrow, depending where you live, is the last full moon of the year. And it is another Super Moon, which means it is even more intense. But remember, it is the last full moon of a nine cycle. This means it is very effective in helping you to remove the shit out of your life.  This could be about ending a toxic relationship, getting rid of clutter, quitting a job that totally stresses you out, or letting go of limited beliefs. 

Once we have let go of what no longer works for us, then it is time to focus on where we want to go, or what direction do we want to turn our lives towards. And this is where I received my epiphany.  Because we are submerged in the energy of 'endings' and shaking off the last of the dust, we are being reminded to "stay focused in the here and now". Why is that? Because a person cannot fully purge or remove the toxins if they are filling up on the good stuff. Can't detox your body while eating a slice of heaven pie. Can't have the new lover while your old one is sitting in your bed. Right!  Although it is important to have the Heaven Pie in your sights, you still have to go through the healthy steps before you can reach for it. And right now, we are in the peek of removing the past, the peek of removing what no longer works in our lives. Letting go can seem scary, but for those who have done it, it feels really good after. There is a feeling of relief, a lightness that takes place. 

Because we are at this peek of time, most of our guides and Spirit know that all things are positioned in 'time'. You don't hand a child a huge piece of candy and not expect them to stop what they are doing and not to eat it. You give it to them when they have finished their work and can enjoy it. The child will anticipate in knowing that good is to come, a treat will be there once they are ready and they can think about this treat and how it will feel to receive it, but the treat is still a will it taste?

One of the most important things you can do during this time is to Forgive. Forgive yourself and to forgive others. Let go of the pain you carry. Let go of the feelings of resentment. Let go of any poverty consciousness. Let go of your self doubts. Let go of your fears. And then Forgive yourself for caring that shit for so long in your life. And then decide what it is you do want to carry with you. Kindness, self-love, ongoing forgiveness, courage, humor, etc. By emptying your basket of old emotions and filling up your basket with healthy emotions, you will be ready for the next phase of your life. 

It is definitely a time for uncharted territory. And that can be very exciting. So lets all put on our explorer hats, ride this last wave and get ready to see the clear horizon that is so close now. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

In Gratitude

It is so important to remember to appreciate and have gratitude for all the things in our lives. When we take these things for granted, we loose a little bit of that special magic that meets our needs and fills our lives with comfort. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Christmas At Bob's

When my friend asked me if I had ever seen Christmas at Bob's, I assured her I had not. Since we were already in the area, we decided to go have a look. I had no idea what to expect. A few cool lights perhaps at best. But when we pulled up, I was thrilled to see this was something that needed to be explored and not merely driven bye.
Christmas at Bob's house is a real Edmonton gem. I'm really not sure if Bob's place is a hidden gem or not due to the glow of light that it gives off, but it is truly worth going out of the way to see. It was clear that the owner of this house, which I presume to be named Bob, really puts his heart into this display. After walking around the house, I began to realize that this person, or family, is really offering a gift to the community and those who come seeking its beauty. As I took photos around the yard, I stopped for a moment and really stared at the word Believe. Believe. This one word among a world of images and lights engaged with my heart. And for a beautiful moment, I was once again a little girl filled with hope and could feel my eyes dance with each flicker and blink of a light. I could feel the magic of one man's dream to bring a smile to the faces of strangers. What a lovely gift. 

For those who would like to check out the videos and Bob's website please go here: Christmas at Bob's   #Christmasatbobs  

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Why I Write

   At the end of my University practicum, one of the essays I was required to write was "Why do I write?". And as most writers would answer, I said it is because there is a story within me that begs to be told. This seems very generic, but it is also very authentic for most writers. Writing is a passion or an art form that must be expressed. We feel compelled to put that pen in hand and transform our thoughts onto paper. This is the heart of a writer. But in reality, that does not mean that everyone who is passionate about writing should become a professional writer. 
   Actually, I've tried to walk away from professional writing many times. The long hours of perfecting stories or ideas, just to have them rejected or flop is not food for motivation. Breaking into the spotlight can be very challenging and take years. Most never make it because they give up halfway. So why then do I perceiver? It is a question I have asked myself time and time again. And through honest contemplation, I will bravely share my answer.
   The memories of my childhood reflect my passion for storytelling. I was a typical little girl who loved to play with Barbie dolls. I was very fortunate to have many of them and all of the latest accessories. Through these dolls, I could play for hours in my own little world, creating a reality that would reflect the story I created for the day. There was adventure, friendships, family and bad guys too. The dolls and props became my three dimensional storyboard. 
   Another thing I loved to do was read. I loved books. I loved storybooks, picture books, and books with textures. But most of all, I loved encyclopedias. Yes, you read that correctly; encyclopedias. I had three sets of them. One was the beautifully bound Britannica  and the other was the equally lovely Funk and Wagnalls.  My grandfather had invested in them for my brother and I. He was an Irishman that understood the value of an educated mind and wanted to be sure his grandchildren had the opportunity of having access to good books. The third set was created specifically for children. Although I cannot remember the name of them, I do remember there was a girl and a boy alternating on the covers. I recall green and orange.  These books presented the information with coloured pictures. I loved reading the little bits of information and relating it to a picture. I was absolutely fascinated with these books. 
   It was no surprise then that I loved poetry and creative writing class in school. When the teacher told us to pull out our books, I would become very excited. But when I was told it wasn't the story writing time, but rather the grammar and structure lessons, I would feel anxiety. Years later I would learn this was because I am dyslexic and naturally struggled with spelling and grammar. By the time I was in grade nine, the school system put me in an English special needs class, and well, any thoughts of becoming a serious writer went out the window of opportunities. 
   Then by grade eleven something peculiar happened to me. Throughout high school, I became a rebellious type of child (that would be my adhd and dysfunctional home life). I decided to duck out of a class and go to the girls washroom to have a cigarette. It was the 1980's and smoking was frowned upon, but not illegal. While in the washroom stall, puffing away at my cigarette, I had an epiphany. It was strong and absolute. It was, "I will be an author of a famous book". I tossed my cigarette butt in the toilet, flushed and left the stall. One of my friends was standing at the sink, so I shared my moment of an epiphany with her.. We both laughed and shrugged it off. How could I the English reject, possibly become a writer I had told myself.
   Without going into the details of my life path, I will tell you that writing was always a part of it, but remained at just a personal level. I was always writing poetry or aphorisms, and recording quotes I would find, or create some quotes of my own. I would write songs, essays for no one to see, or endless pages of research. I would practice my skills of swirls and curls to perfect my hand of writing. Writing was just a simple part of life that I never saw as anything more. 
   It wasn't until my late thirties and  I was in an unemployment office that the window of opportunity would become wide open. I was trying to piece my life back together, hoping something would create a pathway to the future I wanted to live in. It was there that the seed of becoming an actual writer was dropped into my head. Having to upgrade my English 30 and write an exam to gain entrance into a University was the gun going off at the starting gates. I cried when I passed that test. And I silently cried tears of joy when I walked the halls of the University on my first day at school. I understood very well the privilege I had just received, and I embraced it with all my heart. There were lots of directions I could have chosen to go within the program. Technical writing was sure to land me a good paying job. But I was not able to ignore that yearning to be an author or creative writer and explore the vast "what if's". It took me a lot longer to finish the program than most students. But I was also a single mom with three little kids. I was at a pace that would lend me compromise. 
   Since graduating, I have written a few books and taken on a few jobs that helped to pay the bills. But it always seemed like the jobs damaged me physically for one reason or another. And there was this one time while I was looking for a new job that I had a very intense and powerful dream.  The dream was of me working for a big retail company. The manager told me to push the shopping cart into the river. I said no that it would not be right to do so. The manager insisted that I do it. I insisted it would not be right. Then from behind me, I heard my own voice yelling at me to turn around. So I turned. There I was standing on a pedestal looking down at myself with a look of authority. I yelled at myself, "What are you doing? You are a writer. You must continue writing."  I woke up and never forgot that clear message.
   The truth is, I'm still always looking for another job, because that big famous book hasn't actually manifested just yet. Maybe it will and maybe it won’t. Perhaps I’ll be one of those authors that only becomes famous once they are dead. Classical Immortality. But it would be sad to leave with regrets of not even trying. So, to stop writing is not an option for me. Perhaps I write because it is my destiny, or perhaps it is because words are my art form that I cannot contain. Perhaps it is because that little girl is still inside of me creating stories of magic and adventures, or the part of me that embraces logic, reason and nonfiction wants me to show others how life and the world is such an exciting place to explore. I write because I could not imagine my life otherwise. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Beauty in the Storm

It was very cold last night, but a few of us braved it and went to the Alberta Legislature Building to see the annual lights. Even though it was a snowstorm, I found it magical. 

#Edmonton, #Christmas


Just a little reminder to my fellow Canadians. These harsh cold winters is what keeps the creepy crawlers such as big scary snakes and humongous hairy spiders in the tropics. 

  #humongousscaryassspiders  #gutstranglingsnakes  #goodtofreezeassoffinwinter