Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Last Full Moon of 2016

Even though we are going into a One cycle new beginnings year, I find it is difficult to see into my future at this time and have noticed that many others are feeling the same way. Even with meditation or communion with Spirit or my spiritual guides, there is no peeking or revealing of the coming year. And then finally this morning, in a blink of an eye, I understood why. 

We are all ending the collective nine year cycle and entering into the number one new beginnings cycle. To understand this fully I suggest to just google it because you will find LOTS of information on the subject on collective cycles and personal cycles. Anyways, we are leaving behind a nine year cycle which is an ending or completion cycle. 2016 is a time for getting rid of what no longer works, removing unhealthy habits and toxic people from our lives, etc.  

Tonight and tomorrow, depending where you live, is the last full moon of the year. And it is another Super Moon, which means it is even more intense. But remember, it is the last full moon of a nine cycle. This means it is very effective in helping you to remove the shit out of your life.  This could be about ending a toxic relationship, getting rid of clutter, quitting a job that totally stresses you out, or letting go of limited beliefs. 

Once we have let go of what no longer works for us, then it is time to focus on where we want to go, or what direction do we want to turn our lives towards. And this is where I received my epiphany.  Because we are submerged in the energy of 'endings' and shaking off the last of the dust, we are being reminded to "stay focused in the here and now". Why is that? Because a person cannot fully purge or remove the toxins if they are filling up on the good stuff. Can't detox your body while eating a slice of heaven pie. Can't have the new lover while your old one is sitting in your bed. Right!  Although it is important to have the Heaven Pie in your sights, you still have to go through the healthy steps before you can reach for it. And right now, we are in the peek of removing the past, the peek of removing what no longer works in our lives. Letting go can seem scary, but for those who have done it, it feels really good after. There is a feeling of relief, a lightness that takes place. 

Because we are at this peek of time, most of our guides and Spirit know that all things are positioned in 'time'. You don't hand a child a huge piece of candy and not expect them to stop what they are doing and not to eat it. You give it to them when they have finished their work and can enjoy it. The child will anticipate in knowing that good is to come, a treat will be there once they are ready and they can think about this treat and how it will feel to receive it, but the treat is still a mystery...how will it taste?

One of the most important things you can do during this time is to Forgive. Forgive yourself and to forgive others. Let go of the pain you carry. Let go of the feelings of resentment. Let go of any poverty consciousness. Let go of your self doubts. Let go of your fears. And then Forgive yourself for caring that shit for so long in your life. And then decide what it is you do want to carry with you. Kindness, self-love, ongoing forgiveness, courage, humor, etc. By emptying your basket of old emotions and filling up your basket with healthy emotions, you will be ready for the next phase of your life. 

It is definitely a time for uncharted territory. And that can be very exciting. So lets all put on our explorer hats, ride this last wave and get ready to see the clear horizon that is so close now. 

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