Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sharing Ghost Stories

Last night I was hanging out with two of my teenagers (I have three) and we were talking about You -Tubers that go to creepy places to look for creepy stuff. For example, a couple of them went to a closed down building, and during their time there a cart had moved completely on its own, sending this group of kids running. Well, I started to laugh and said how it reminded me of a time when I was working a night shift in a large retail store. It was just me and one other person. As we admitted that we both felt uneasy, a creepy mumbling came over the intercom and then we heard shopping carts crash. We got the hell out of the store and phoned the police. When the police came, they found no one. I wasn't surprised because that area of the city had a lot of paranormal activity. Wonder what was buried there?

Then I told them about my time in a closed off part of a hospital that my father took me through. He was a security guard and had to do his rounds. At one point I felt a spirit go right through me and identified it as a nun. My father told me that particular wing of the building use to be where the nuns stayed.  At this point my sons says, "What the 'bleep' mom, I just watched the Conjuring recently and now your telling me this. How am I going to sleep tonight?" My daughter and I laughed of course. So I told them to make sure they read my book when its done. I am really happy to be finished the chapter on ghosts and spirits.  Kind of creeps me out too!  It's not something you become completely comfortable with. There is a big difference between having a personal experience with a spirit whom you have known and loved and having an experience with something impersonal that is invasive or intimidating. 

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