Monday, March 6, 2017


Being an entrepreneur or following your creative dreams is not for the light hearted. In fact, it is a journey that can take you to places you would rather not go. It ranges from depression, joy, hopelessness, inspired, fear, hopefulness, despair, humor, anger, pride, anxiety, get the bird's eye view. For me, following my bliss has taught me many things. But I’d have to say the biggest struggle is knowing when to walk away and knowing when to persist. I’m still trying to get that figured out. 

There is a movie on Netflix called One Chance and stars James Corden. It is the true story about a boy named Paul Potts who grows up wanting to be an opera singer. Paul went through many ups and downs before he finally reached his goals. There is one part in the movie that I related to. It was when he got his voice back and he is thrilled yelling “I can sing again” and he immediately gets hit by a car and winds up back in the hospital. LoL  Not funny, I know. But it is that moment when you really start to believe that life is trying to tell you to put your dream back in your pocket and give up. Only to find that your heart is now broken because your heart knows that your desire is truly the right path. Just the timing and maybe the avenue is a little off course. 

When I am in a down time, I have learned a little trick called the 5 second rule by Mel Robbins. In the morning when I struggle to get up...I do the #5secondrule. 5,4,3,2,1, jump up. I’ll deal with the rest of me once my ass is out of bed. I find this little game a gem to maneuver around my mind’s limitations. For example, it's ok to have a little cry in the afternoon, but then I tell myself after the count down, the tears get wiped and I must get back to work. For those who struggle like I do, I hope you will check out Mel Robbins and find some inspiration from her videos to keep yourself on track and moving forward. For those of us who do not have a real live person in our corner to lean on, these kinds of little tips really are tools for the trade. 

#dreams  #entrepreneur #inspiration  #OneChance  #courage

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