Saturday, March 25, 2017

Chapter 4: The Power of the Mind ... and our thoughts.

Knowing that a person’s thoughts are a powerful tool for manifesting their desires or goals should be a very empowering idea. We should rejoice in knowing that each person has an amazing ability within them. But so many people find that the reality is, this powerful tool can also be a person’s worst enemy. 

People are told to think positive and absorb uplifting thoughts so that they will manifest bright and shiny futures. In a harmonious and joyful world that would be an easy endeavor. But the truth is that we live in a world where almost every person is bombarded with negative projections. Through media forms and everyday human interaction, we receive messages that the world has fallen apart and we are all swimming in a pool of loathing and victim-hood.  However, we also abundantly receive the messages of hope, love and unity. But which of those messages provoke stronger emotions? Perhaps this is where people have to be mindful and disciplined by knowing which programs being received are getting a stronger response in the internal system.  

But here is a problem, we are told to think positive by using uplifting affirmations and told to not think about what isn’t working in our lives. Honestly, I kind of see that as having someone holding your head under water and saying, “don’t think about how you are about to run out of air” or “just ignore being wet”. And I also have to admit that one of the things that personally concerns me the most is when I am going through PMS. Ladies, you know what I am talking about. You hate the world and the world hates you. And then poof … everything is ok again. I have to wonder how much of this emotional imbalance actually has an impact on our manifestations.  Would this mean that every twenty eight days women's efforts are erased and they begin again?
Controlling  thoughts is a tricky business. There are lots of tools out there to assist people in maintaining some control over their thoughts, but it can be a journey of trial and error until he or she has found the technique that works well for them. And sometimes the tools need to be changed up. I find that when I have anxiety, I need to disconnect from the world for a short time, so maybe taking a nap is what I need. Upon waking up, the restart switch has been triggered. When I am feeling overwhelmed with ideas, just doing some old fashion house cleaning seems to quiet my mind. And I have also learned that when I just spontaneously begin to have bizzar negative daydreams, instead of pushing them away, I pay attention to them so that I can have a better understanding of what is going on in my subconscious mind. 

It is my belief that healing our thoughts so that we can project a healthy life is a very personal journey. Each of us are living under different circumstances with different environments, different types of foods, and different types of communities. There are many connecting factors, but still each is individually unique. A million different people, a million different realities. Therefore, a person can gather many great tools, but must remember that he or she must be in charge of their own personal journey. 

#paranormal #thoughts #powerofthoughts #supernatural #inspiration #challenges #mindcontrol #mind #positivethinking #books #ideas

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