Monday, March 13, 2017

Chapter 3: Angel Allies

Many religions speak of angels coming to visit with people, except that in the ancient days the testimonies only spoke about angels appearing to the people of special selection. Today, the only special selection is for those who take the time to listen or connect to the angels. Communicating with Angels is not by any means an unusual thing. If you go online you will find all kinds of people doing angel reading cards, clairvoyant angel readings, and those who teach others to communicate with their own angels.. I personally feel that many of these people are indeed sincere and really want others to learn that we are all capable of opening up the doors of understanding the messages that our angels send us. But the truth is that communicating with angels has become a big business. 

I would like to be clear that I do not see myself as an Angel Whisper who has a complete understanding of them … far from it. I feel blessed for the interaction that I have experienced so far, but like any relationship, they need a lot of work, and as soon as you think you’ve got it all figured out, you come to understand that there is just so much more that needs to be learned and practiced. Therefore, chapter three is my personal experiences with angels that comes from my personal perspective and nothing more.  

From a young age, I was influenced through the Catholic church that angels were there to call upon if we felt that we needed their help. As a child, I always prayed to God, but not the angels. I guess I figured it was better to go straight for the Big G. It wasn’t until the time I was eighteen and had been visited by the angel in my room (the Angels in the Shadows story). I didn’t actually call upon this angel. She came to me of her own will or answered a prayer via God.  And it wasn’t until later in my life that I understood the significance of working with angels. The idea of having Arch Angel Michael on speed dial didn’t occur until he was suggested to me by a friend to be called upon when I was in danger. So it was while I was in transition from being in a unhealthy and dangerous relationship that I began to call on Michael. From there, it seems, we became very aware of each other. The night that angel Michael manifested himself into human form was the night that I could no longer hold on to any doubts that I still might  have had. That story is on page 74 in chapter three.  

Since then, I have wavered in and out of communication with my personal angels. That would be my fault, not theirs. I am sure many people can relate when I say that it is easy to get caught up in the life drama and become absorbed in the illusion, disconnecting from the source energy. That would be me, time and time again. But they are loyal and patient, and often seem to send me little reminders from time to time that can only be associated to the angelic realm. Synchronicities can be a powerful communication system. One thing that was really interesting that happened while writing this book was that an angel whom I had not been acquainted with by my view was trying to get my attention. At first she came through during dreamtime, but then there were a series of synchronicities that that was like breadcrumbs leading to the house. I don’t want to give the story completely away but I do want to share a photo of an orb that kept appearing on photos I had taken during the winter full moons. This orb, from what I understand is in connection with an arch angel. I was really surprised by this because I have only known orbs to be of a spirit/ghost type energy. But because of my newest experiences, I am now open to the idea that orbs can also be the energy of an angel. 

                     (from the story She's Got My Back on page 83 )

If asked what my advise would be pertaining to angels, I would say to remember that unless you are in the practice of daily devotion to be gentle on yourself when it comes to your relationship with the angels. Once you have opened up the channel, meaning to have prayed or conversed mentally with your said angel, give them permission to always help you no matter what, even when you go into the trance of illusion and feel cut off. You are never fully cut off. That too is an illusion. They will remind you they are there. It is up to us to stop and be quiet enough to listen. 

For those of you looking for teachers to help you connect with your angels, I think Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine are really good people to start with.  

#angels  #orbs  #angelic  #guidance  #protection  #ArchangelMichael  #guardianangels  #book  #truestories  #prayer

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