Monday, June 6, 2016

When Gratitude and Resentment Collide

This weekend was the new moon phase. The new moon is a time when a person can mentally plug in and use the heightened energy to enhance his or her thoughts desire. By now most of you have heard the claim that thoughts create our reality.  Truth be’s true. So the idea that a new moon phase can give us a turbo boost should be pretty exciting right. But what happens when your thoughts aren't in alignment of what your heart desires. What if you are going through some chaotic emotional or physical challenges, and your thoughts are projecting what you actually don't want to manifest. In many cases, we as humans usually do have gratitude for what is going well in our lives but yet still manage to put too much energy into what isn’t going so well in our lives. This is when gratitude and resentment collide.

This weekend I felt like a bit of a yo-yo with my gratitude and my inner green-eye monster. On one hand I have so much gratitude for all the good things that have manifested in my life, but on the other hand, I still feel so far away from the level I need to get to. That old, why is my neighbor's money tree so much bigger than mine feeling. And because I am aware of my thoughts I felt like that little kid who just broke the vase and was trying to hide it from the adult, but instead I’m trying to bury the negative thoughts so that they cannot manifest into my life. The thing is, negative thoughts cannot be buried. Like the broken vase, when it crashes it makes a lot of noise. So the reality is to deal with it.

We can’t take back what we say or do, but we can certainly refocus ourselves to staying on the path we desire. I think it is natural to want to bop someone on the nose that pushed our buttons to the limits. I think it is okay to want a better life style from what you may have. I think it is natural to become upset when we encounter injustice. But we need to remember is that by focusing on those things, we in turn attract more of those things into our lives. It is important to let go of the envy, the anger, the fear, the material loss, and the negative emotions. Experience them and move on, refocusing on what you do want to have. Remember to find the things in your life that is working well and know that you can build from there.

Therefore, to soften the off note vibe we transmit, it is important to say a little prayer or personal acknowledgement of how you are really thinking and feeling. Be honest with yourself and all that is.

I share this with you:

Dear God/Universe/Great Spirit, insert your deity;

Today I struggle to deal with my personal highs and lows. Today I am filled with many emotions that may or may not be of service to anyone, especially myself. Being human is not an easy journey, so I lovingly remind the universe of my child like nature and forgive me for my negative thoughts as I continue to move towards a joyful and prosperous life here on this beautiful earth. I give gratitude in all things, but I do ask for assistance to help me with my struggles so that I may flourish in all the goodness that surrounds me. Thank you with a grateful heart.

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