Friday, June 17, 2016

USA Election

Some people may call being a precognition a gift, but honestly, I call it a hindrance at best. The problem with seeing probable futures is that there is no timeline to go with it and it could be years into the future to manifest. Because of this, sometimes it is easy to feel anxious of the future. It took awhile for me to understand that visions or ‘instantaneous knowings’ were to be taken lightly due to the nature of them. In the beginning when this so called gift was making itself apparent,  I felt like the sky was falling. But since then I have learned to be more observant and watch how things unfold.
At this time, I am watching one of those events unfold. See, the thing is, the future is full of pockets of possibilities. Yes there are some destinies or spiritual agreements that must be played out, but free will is also a big game player. And then there is that element of surprise when you least expect it. One of those moments when you're like, holy crap where did that come from, or manifestations of miracles alter your life. Kinda like a good mystery novel.  
The American elections is one of those times for me. Years ago, there was this strange moment when an ‘instantaneous knowing’ came to me. It was about the USA and the presidential campaign. The name Jeb Bush was highlighted, and the understanding that if he was running for president all hell would be breaking loose. Then the country we all know as the United States of America would never be the same again. Well, by now we all know that the Bush family are war mongrels and deeply connected to much of what is wrong with our world, so when I received this insight, I thought oh boy here we go again, what the hell is Jeb going to do.  But Jeb, the youngest of the Bush family (at least I think he is) had never ran for presidency. At least not until this year. So I paid attention. And it was easy to see that Jeb was not much of a contender in the big picture. So why the ‘information’, why the ‘heads up’? Jeb has now backed out of the race. His personal contender….Trump. (I take a deep breath and remind myself to release it.)
So in the fighting cage we have Trump, Clinton, and Sanders. Two hyenas and a canary. The world is bracing for it. And I quietly sit and breath. For me this is not a message of doom and gloom, for I do not know the outcome. But I do ask people to pay attention, because yes it does involve everyone. This is a very delicate moment in humanity's history. Pay attention. Become involved by voting, or for all of us outsiders of the country, pray for good to prevail.  Quietly, slowly, history is being made...the world’s superpower is about to change...but which path will it lead to? The mystery continues.

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