Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Messages From the Sky

These past few days have carried some interesting energy. Although I am eager to get moving on some of my projects, there seems to be a wall of energy that  makes me feel like I am jogging in syrup. So I had a peek into what some of the astrologers are saying and according to the Leo King (highly recommend him) for the next two days we are having a Huge Stellium in Pisces.That is best described as a planetary pile up that pretty much stops the flow of everything. Best compare it to a standstill on the freeway.  I thought this was great news. I would rather hear my intuition is spot on than finding out I am procrastinating. Bottom line is that there is a large possibility that we are in a pocket of chaos for the next few days, and then come January 8th, we get to begin our forward movement. As scary as that is for some people...I love it. I love the opportunity to throw a blanket over my head and just feel, think and simply be. I have a ton of work to do and have a tendency to rush forward, and blunder as I do. This will make me re-visit my ideas and carefully make small steps to move forward. 

With that said, I wanted to share something special with all of you.  Because we do not have a high fence, I must accompany my dogs outside when they have to visit the peeing post. As I stood outside there was an intense sound of birds. I looked over to the grand tree line and saw a massive flock of birds. This is the same group of trees where I had taken photos of the death of crows. 
After getting the dogs back into the house, I grabbed my camera and ran out to the front of the house where I could get a better photo opportunity. Meanwhile, I am still in my pj's. lol. Going with the flow remember. At the time, I thought that perhaps they were sparrows. They were too high up for me to see clearly and moving too quickly when they were just above me. Then I noticed there was no one else on the street. No cars going bye. No people walking around. No one checking out the crazy lady in her pj's. It was completely quiet except for the echoing sound of these birds which was a massive squawking notice. I was in awe of how a person could be in the middle of a large city yet share a private moment with hundreds birds. How is that possible? How is it possible that the world can stand still so one soul can have a lovely experience. Personal paradigms are magical indeed. 

Once I downloaded my photos, I was able to see the birds more clearly and was pleasantly surprised to see they are Waxwings. I think it would be correct to call them Cedar Waxwings. Although they are browner under body, I think this is due to it being winter. 

My personal message to everyone for this week is to pause and take notice of what is around you. Life does not need to be chaotic to have motion. The Waxwings remind us to co-operate with life and those around you. Sharing, caring, and knowing that life is plentiful when you find your flow. 

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